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Reopening Date June 21, 2020

We have been directed by the Diocese of Albany to inform our parishioners regarding the gradual reintroduction of Public Liturgies.

St. Stanislaus will reopen on Father's Day, Sunday, June 21, 2020. We will be providing updated information that reflects the various provisions of health and government directives. We are attempting to formulate a plan that pays attention to key areas. The plan will include how we will arrive and leave church, Holy Communion procedures, sanitizing before and after liturgies, seating, training ushers, lector’s and extra ordinary ministers of the Eucharist. All these precautions are to protect one another.

As new information is received, we will provide this to our parishioners through our Facebook page, church bulletins, announcements, etc.

Father Robert DeMartinis Deacon Michael Ryba

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